
The happy farmer cello tempo
The happy farmer cello tempo

the happy farmer cello tempo

Sz.42 - Bela Bartok Melody, from Album for the Youngġ. Hungarian Folk Song, from For Children, - 14. Minuet in G Minor, from Klavier Suite in G Minor, - 10. Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach - Anonymousĩ. Minuet in G Major, from Klavier Suite in G Minor, - 6. The Happy Farmer, from Album for the Young, Long, Long Ago - Thomas Haynes Bayly - 12. Au Clair de la Lune - Jean-Baptiste Lully - 11. Mary Had a Little Lamb - American Nursery Song - 9. French Children's Song - French Folk Song - 7. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star variations - 2. The challenge in a performance is to combine the beauty of the melody with a beauty of tone of the instrument which is being played with a sense of space and an understanding of the time elements that exist in music.Select the volume you want from the drop down list.ġ. There are wide tempo variations in performances of the work and I would suggest listening to different solo instruments and piano recordings. It is a very familiar piece from the romantic repertoire suited to being played by many instruments as a solo accompanied either by the piano or various forms of ensemble. Traümerie (Dreaming) was originally a piano work from Robert Schumann's Scenes of Childhood Opus 16 published in 1838. The harmonic language is at times quite chromatic with diminished seventh chords featured. Players need to linger particularly on the dotted quarter notes (crotchets) and pianists will need to make use of the sustaining pedal. It is excellent piece for broadening performing experience where players need to show sensitivity to the acoustic and the the best performances of this work tend not to be rushed. Understandably because this is a piece of music from the romantic repetoire is a very emotional piece of music which can both be communicated well and also on occasions insensitively. The challenge in a performance is to combine the beauty of the melody with a beauty of tone of the instrument which is being played with a sense of space and an understanding of the time elements that exist in music.

the happy farmer cello tempo the happy farmer cello tempo

Whatever instrument is being played the original piano score is worth a study of its own.

the happy farmer cello tempo

The happy farmer cello tempo